What are the differences between DC motors and  AC motors?


來簡單講解所謂的 #直流馬達(DC Motor)以及 #交流馬達(AC Motor)的優缺點以及可以應用在哪些種類的商品上。

Let's briefly explain the advantages and disadvantages of DC Motors and AC Motors, in addition, the motor applications also be covered.


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直流馬達也就是台灣廣告常會提及的 DC直流馬達,其中DC 為 ( Direct Current ) 的縮寫,又可以分成有刷 (Brushed) 以及無刷 (Brushless) 兩種類,#有刷馬達 顧名思義就是以碳刷作為電流變換器(Commutator)的部件,炭刷在使用一段期間後會產生污物 (炭刷磨擦導致) 需要定期的清理或是更換,DC Brushed Motors 的優點為在控速方面比較簡單,只須控制電壓大小即可控制轉速,但此類馬達不宜在高溫、易燃等環境下操作。

DC (Direct Current) motor can be divided into two types: Brushed and Brushless.   DC Brushed motor with a carbon brush as a Commutator (the component of the current transducer). The carbon brushes easy to make dirt after a period of using (the dirt is caused by friction of the carbon brush), namely that needs regular cleaning or replacement. The pros of DC Brushed Motors is that it is relatively simple in terms of speed control. The speed can be controlled by controlling the voltage.


#DC Brushless Motors 同字面上看來一樣沒有碳刷結構稱為無刷馬達,相較於有刷馬達因為少了碳刷與軸的摩擦因此較省電也比較安靜。製作難度較高、價格也較高但不用定期清理碳刷的污物可於高溫、易燃等環境下操作。

On the other hand, DC Brushed Motors are not suitable for operation in high temperature, flammable environments. DC Brushless Motors can be operated in high temperature, flammable environments, compare to the brushed motor, the benefits will be quieter than the brushless motor because it has less friction between the carbon brush and the shaft, moreover, it no need to do clean regularly because of no carbon dirt.

DC Brushless Motors can be operated in high temperature, flammable environments, compare to the brushed motor, the benefits will be quieter than the brushless motor because it has less friction between the carbon brush and the shaft, moreover, it no need to do clean regularly because of no carbon dirt. However, they are more difficult to manufacture that also cause the price higher than brushed motors.


交流馬達(AC Motor)則可以在高溫、易燃等環境下操作,而且不用定期清理碳刷的污物,但在控速上比較困難,因為控制交流馬達轉速需要控制交流電的頻率(或使用感應馬達,用增加內部阻力的方式,在相同交流電的頻率下降低馬達轉速),控制其電壓只會影響馬達的扭力。

AC Motor can operate in high temperature, flammable environment, and does not need to clean the carbon brush dirt regularly, but it is difficult to control the speed.


市面上常見的一般工業用直流馬達之電壓有 #DC 110V (125V) 和 #DC 220V 兩種。

The common DC motors available on the market are DC 110V (125V) and DC 220V.




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